B&O 412
“B&O 412” is former U.S. Navy switcher No. 19, which served Weapons Station Earle until its donation to the URHS. This is the only Baldwin owned by the URHS, and is painted to be representative of the many VO1000s which served the Baltimore & Ohio. B&O’s VO1000s often performed freight interchange duties between the Jersey Central, Reading and Baltimore & Ohio railroads, and were all scrapped after their retirement.
Several NJ railroads owned this model diesel locomotive: Baltimore & Ohio, Reading, New York Central, Pennsylvania, Jersey Central and Lehigh Valley. The U.S. Navy requested that the locomotive not be painted to represent its former Navy heritage, so URHS opted to use the No. 19 to represent the Baltimore & Ohio in its collection.
B&O 412 is currently leased to SMS Rail Lines and works in occasional freight service. The locomotive was leased to SMS as a non-operational unit, and was eventually restored to operation by the railroad’s mechanical team, which specializes in Baldwin diesel maintenance and repair.
Photo by Kevin Painter